MAJ Day 11: Flowing with the Energy of Water 💧✨
Welcome to Day 11!
Today, we take inspiration from one of nature’s most powerful and adaptable forces: water. Water teaches us the art of flow – how to move with life’s currents rather than resist them. Just as a river carves its path by embracing obstacles, we too can find strength in adaptability and ease in letting go.
🌱 Reflection
Water shows us how to flow. Whether it’s calm or turbulent, water adjusts, persists, and transforms everything it touches. It doesn’t fight obstacles but flows around them, showing us the power of resilience and adaptability.
Consider: Where in my life can I invite more flow? How can I release resistance and move with greater ease?
✍️ Prompt
- Reflect on a current challenge in your life. Journal about how you can approach it with more fluidity, using water as your guide.
- Write about one area where letting go might create space for something new to emerge.
🎶 Practice
Meditation Moment
Listen to Sacred Fountain Audio, recorded by me in Portugal (link here). Let the sounds and imagery of water guide you into a peaceful, flowing state of mind. Stay as long as you want.
To complement, you can imagine yourself as a flowing river. Picture obstacles in your path, and visualize the water gently moving around them, continuing its journey without resistance. Feel the ease and adaptability of this flow within yourself.
Like water, you hold the ability to adapt, flow, and create space for transformation. Let today’s practice remind you of your inner strength and capacity for ease.
With warmth and presence,
Fátima Teixeira ✨
Sound Healer, Composer, and Meditation Producer
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